Saturday, May 06, 2006

A new mission - an Intro

I just came from an inspiring breakfast with the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) Davao Chapter.

I remember a story about all of us being raindrops, and even if we were dropped in any part of the earth, we would still end up in the sea. The latter being our God, our creator.

There must be a compelling reason why you were here, Peter, the breakfast program host this morning, Uly Lopez, told me.

Be honest! is one of the campaigns of this Catholic renewal group and I must admit a powerful force must have led me to this meeting, and not to another room at the Mandaya Hotel.

I was speaker at the Davao Christian Leadership breakfast fellowship yesterday and I was invited to another breakfast meeting today. I did not honestly know that there were two meetings simultaneously going on at same time, at the same floor at the hotel. One was BCBP, the other was Full Gospel Fellowship. The latter was the one I was supposed to attend.

A compelling reason.

I first learned of the BCBP from my cousin Roberto Laviña, one of its national leaders, about three years ago. I have surfed its website in the past. Of late, an old friend and partner in the birth of Peryodiko Dabaw in 1984 (now SunStar Davao), Emil Sison, mentioned it again to me. He told me my cousin Bobby was in Davao and asked about me. Unfortunately, I was in Manila at that time.

BCBP keeps coming back to me.

When I entered the room this morning I was confused a little, but seeing many familiar faces inside I stayed the whole breakfast program.

I was warmly welcomed together with three other “first timers.”

A compelling reason.

What is it that the Lord wants in me this morning?

Last Tuesday, I attended a breakfast meeting with the Haggai Institute in Davao. It is a Christian leadership formation group advancing the teachings of the Lord in many parts of the world with local, indigenous leaders instead of foreign missionaries.

Am I being called to seriously serve the Lord and not just his people?

And last Friday, I was with the DCL composed of evangelical leaders also preaching the Good News.

Am I being led by the Shepherd to do more than what I am now doing for his Kingdom on Earth?

I would like to answer these questions with this blog.

God’s Gift.

I mentioned this in an earlier post about the killing of a peasant leader two weeks ago. I wrote: "Life is a present from God. How dare men play god to take away this precious gift?"

This morning, I heard God's Gift several times from the couple sharer – Ray and Joy, and from Uly Lopez and from the chapter's Program and Service Director Hansel Magno, an old neighbor when we were young boys living along Ponciano St.

I dedicate this blog to this morning’s awakening, a new experience; to today's renewal, a new beginning.

To my friends at the Full Gospel let me share these words from 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 "There is diversity of gifts, but the Spirit is the same. There is diversity of ministries, but the Lord is the same. There is diversity of works, but the same God works in all."


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